Every pet owner wants their companions to have the best life possible. Today, our Echo Park vets discuss the daily care you can provide your furry friend to ensure they have the best quality of life that they can.
The Importance of Routine Care
To ensure our pets live a long and healthy life, some routine steps should be carried out on a regular basis. Caring for our companions is a lot more than just making sure they have food and water in their dishes.
Our vets at Echo Park Veterinary Hospital have provided some tips for all pet owners so your companion can get the proper love and care they deserve.
Train Your Pet
It is likely that your pet will not be trained before you bring them home, so it is important to take the time to properly train them. In addition to teaching your pet proper manners and behavior, properly training your pet will assist in keeping them safe.
Training your cat or dog proper bathroom behavior is obviously ideal for you as an owner, but can also prevent the spread of bacteria that could be harmful to you and your pet.
Effectively training your dog can also keep them safe by teaching them safety measures, which can prevent situations like keeping them from running onto the road. Having your dog return to you when you call them is also important for when they are off of their leash.
Routine training also keeps your pet stimulated physically and mentally, which is why it should be done daily, even on a small scale (like getting them to sit before a treat).
Provide Daily Exercise & Playtime
Dogs need daily walks which can vary depending on the breed of your dog. Some dogs will require longer walks than others, and some may need at least two walks a day, whereas one walk will suffice for others. Ask your vet the amount of exercise your pup needs on a daily basis.
Off-leash time for your pet is also important in providing them with the exercise they need, and also gives them the ability to make their own choices for a bit (which dogs love).
Planning time throughout your day to play with your cat or dog will allow you and your pet to bond while also providing them with exercise.
Take Care of Your Pet's Hygiene
Ensuring that your pet is properly groomed is a key step in being a responsible pet owner. Staying on top of the wellness of their coat, nails, and teeth can help maintain your pet's health.
Your pet should be bathed and brushed regularly to keep their coat from getting matted and infested with bacteria.
Ensure your pet's nails don't get too long as overgrown nails can lead to pain and discomfort, causing other issues throughout your pet's body.
Oral hygiene is very important in our pets and caring for their teeth can prevent a slew of health issues, not just in the mouth.
Having regular, professional grooming and dental care from your vet is also important as they can examine your pet and find any issues that may be present.
Bring Your Pet in for Regular Wellness Exams & Vaccinations
Your vet can provide your companion with regular wellness exams to make sure they stay happy and healthy. These exams are crucial to the health of your pet, as there are a ton of issues that could be impacting your pet's health that would go unnoticed otherwise.
Your vet can also vaccinate your pet to prevent a variety of illnesses and disease as well as protect them against a number of parasites.
Wellness plans are an excellent way of ensuring your pet is in good health and getting the care they need and deserve.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. Please make an appointment with your vet for an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition.